Christopher S. Harrison: slideshow image 1
Christopher S. Harrison: slideshow image 2
Christopher S. Harrison: slideshow image 3
Christopher S. Harrison: slideshow image 4
Christopher S. Harrison: slideshow image 5


Maine Guide Training 2011


This past May I had the great privilege to spend a week documenting the Maine whitewater guide training program at Northern Outdoors, along with their sister company, Adventure Bound. What a week it was. I remember how intense the training class I took part in over seven years ago was, and though this year’s class took place in late May after the temperatures had warmed up a bit, it was equally as intense. I arrived prepared to “rough it” in a tent and was pleasantly surprised to find I had been placed in my very own logdominium for the week, which was really great as it allowed me to spread out all my gear, download my daily footage and recharge batteries at the end of each day. For those who don’t know, Northern Oudoors is the premier outdoor adventure company in Maine. I highly recommend any of the adventures they offer, and having worked for them myself, can attest to their commitment to an unrivaled guest experience.

Now, as I write, midsummer is upon us and a heat wave is encompassing the East Coast, as well as much of the country. I can think of nowhere else I would rather be than on a raft heading down the river. The official new Registered Maine guides are enjoying the fruits of their spring training labors along with those seasoned guides who have chosen to spend their summer days on the rivers of Maine and in some of the most gorgeous surroundings in this country. I would like to offer my sincerest thanks to all those at Northern Outdoors and Adventure Bound for allowing me the opportunity to document the guide training journey over the course of that last week in May.  I hope to see you on the river again very soon.

Until next time – CSH

PS – you can see more pictures from the week here: Maine Guide Training
For more information on Northern Outdoors please visit

CT Restaurant Association Golf Classic 2011

At the very end of each FY over the past 6 years I have been invited to play in the Connecticut Restaurant Association’s annual golf outing. This day has always been a welcome respite from the clanging of duties that come with the job in which I currently choose to “make my living.” This year’s event was held at Lyman Orchards Golf Club in Middlefield, CT. Any course designed by Robert Trent Jones has always been on my list of tracks to play before I die and this gave me the perfect opportunity to enjoy the day with co-workers and customers alike on a course created by a true visionary. Surprisingly, however, this year I wasn’t as interested in the playing of golf as I was in the opportunity to document. I somehow persuaded my Sales Manager to join us despite his many utterances that he would not play, as he had not been active on any course for over the past eight years; work, family duties, Cancer and real world responsibilities had found a way to curtail any links-based pursuits of a former (albeit self-proclaimed) scratch golfer.

On this day, though, the choice was made to tee it up and give it a rip.

So it was that I got to enjoy hitting a few balls, sharing a few laughs and making my way around a track designed by one who knew what is important in life; a good perspective, a clear pursuit and the hope for a good turn.

Until next time – CSH


Portrait at a Food Shoot